“Children are the future!”
Our top priority is to build a strong and effective bridge with the new generation.
For that cause, we are organizing an one-day Peace Narration Festival.
The festival consists of two parts. In the first part, the festival seeks via speeches to foster the acknowledgement and understanding of the importance of MYTH and FAIRYTALE in child’s psychology.
In the second part, fairy tale narration events are organized promoting “unifying consciousness”, creativity and virtue.
Through this action, the importance of narration in the harnessing of the myth and fairy tale is reaffirmed, nurturing a peaceful lifestyle.
The Peace Narration Festival creates the opportunity to collect stories, fairy tales, myths, parables, songs, poems and other narratives that promote virtue and peace to the audience and inspire children to seek spirituality.
Human consciousness is formed when information-knowledge becomes action; when it is put into practice.
So, at the Festival, the information:
1. is channeled to children through the narration of selected fairy tales, myths, stories, etc.
2. is given the opportunity to become an act and experience-consciousness through targeted and fruitful artistic actions! “Children are the future”.
We want to create a space for young writers, narrators and performers who dream of presenting their work. We also want to award the three most beloved fairy tales at the end of the festival and create a book with the ten most popular ones.
“A child’s understanding is attained after his interaction with art!
The feeling of duty evolves, when the energetic activity transmutes the matter via Art and Freedom.
With the mind, the nature is merely understood; but by means of the artistic feeling, it is experienced.
The logical conception matures human’s potential, while the art his creativity, and that’s when the human evolves!»